On Doing the Same Thing and Expecting Different Results

imageIn all due respect to Albert Einstein, doing the same thing and expecting a different result may be insanity in a scientific experiment, but it doesn’t apply to human activity. I know from years of experience as a teacher. For example, I may explain the Pythagorean Theorem or Hamlet’s To Be or Not to Be speech to a student. Do you get it? No. So I explain it again, sometimes almost verbatim. Do you get it now? No. Wash rinse repeat. Eventually, a switch flips in the kid’s brain and the light goes on: Oh, I get it now. So what did I do differently to get the desired result? Not an effin thing. Sometimes doing the same thing and expecting a different result is just what the doctor ordered. And I couldn’t count the number of students I might’ve failed (literally and figuratively, hehe) if I didn’t believe that. Class dismissed.

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