SAT & ACT Test Prep Class Dates & Registration

National and CT SAT and ACT Exam Dates, 2024-2025

Take more than one class in any 12 month period (for example, one SAT and one ACT, or one 6- or 9-session class the first time around and one 3-session refresher the second time) and $AVE! See special “Combo Class” pricing below.

We offer FOUR classes for each SAT and ACT throughout the year:

All major credit cards and Venmo accepted via the PayPal links. You may also Venmo payments directly to @CPE-5.

CPE Test Prep Classes: Dates, Times, and Registration

Class Dates/Times Materials Price/Registration
Pay with Credit Card or Venmo @CPE-5
3-Session ACT Crash Course 2 Sundays 12:00-2:00pm 1 Friday 6:00-8:00pm ET
3/22, 3/29, 4/4
Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 $449
6-Session ACT Prep Class Our FLAGSHIP ACT prep class 5 Sundays 10:00am-12:00pm 1 Friday 6:00-8:00pm ET
3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/4
Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 $799
9-Session ACT Prep Class 5 Sundays 10:00am-12:00pm 1 Friday 6:00-8:00pm ET
3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/4 + 3 more TBD together
Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 $1099
4-Session Standardized Test Math Class The current official SAT or ACT practice test book and materials distributed in class plus practice SAT or ACT book $499
3-Session SAT Crash Course 2 Sundays 1 Friday all 6:00-8:00pm ET
4/20, 4/27, 5/2
The SAT Digital Study Guide $449
6-Session SAT Prep Class
Our FLAGSHIP SAT prep class
5 Sundays 4:00-6:00pm 1 Friday 6:00-8:00pm ET
3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/2
The SAT Digital Study Guide $799
9-Session SAT Prep Class 5 Sundays 4:00-6:00pm 1 Friday 6:00-8:00pm ET
3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/2 3 TBD together
The SAT Digital Study Guide $1099
4-Session Standardized Test Math Class The current official SAT or ACT practice test book and materials distributed in class plus practice SAT or ACT book $499
3-Session SAT Crash Course The SAT Digital Study Guide $449
6-Session SAT Prep Class
Our FLAGSHIP SAT prep class
The SAT Digital Study Guide $799
9-Session SAT Prep Class The SAT Digital Study Guide $1099
4-Session Standardized Test Math Class The current official SAT or ACT practice test book and materials distributed in class plus practice SAT or ACT book $499
3-Session ACT Crash Course Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 $449
6-Session ACT Prep Class Our FLAGSHIP ACT prep class Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 $799
9-Session ACT Prep Class Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 $1099
4-Session Standardized Test Math Class The current official SAT or ACT practice test book and materials distributed in class plus practice SAT or ACT book $499
3-Session ACT Crash Course Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 $449
6-Session ACT Prep Class Our FLAGSHIP ACT prep class Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 $799
9-Session ACT Prep Class Official ACT Prep Guide 2024-2025 $1099
4-Session Standardized Test Math Class The current official SAT or ACT practice test book and materials distributed in class plus practice SAT or ACT book $499
3-Session SAT Crash Course 2 Sundays 12:00-2:00pm & 1 Friday The SAT Digital Study Guide $449
6-Session SAT Prep Class
Our FLAGSHIP SAT prep class
5 Sundays 10:00am-12:00pm & 1 Friday 6:00-8:00pm The SAT Digital Study Guide $799
9-Session SAT Prep Class 5 Sundays 10:00am-12:00pm & 1 Friday 6:00-8:00pm The SAT Digital Study Guide $1099
4-Session Standardized Test Math Class 4 Saturdays 2:00-4:00pm The current official SAT or ACT practice test book and materials distributed in class plus practice SAT or ACT book $499
Class Dates/Times Materials Price/Registration
Pay with Credit Card or Venmo @CPE-5

Special Pricing for “Combo Classes”

Mix and match any 3-, 6-, and 9-Session classes to fit your goals, schedule, and budget! Once you receive registration confirmation, call, email, or text to specify which combination of classes you’d like to take.

Class/Workshop Cost/Register
12-Session ACT/SAT Combo ClassMix and match any 3-Session, 6-Session, and 9-Session SAT and ACT classes. Good for use with siblings, too.
Dates/Times above
15-Session ACT/SAT Combo ClassMix and match any 3-Session, 6-Session, and 9-Session SAT and ACT classes. Good for use with siblings, too.
Dates/Times above
18-Session ACT/SAT Combo ClassMix and match any 3-Session, 6-Session, and 9-Session SAT and ACT classes. Good for use with siblings, too.
Dates/Times above
Except in rare cases of severe illness, CollegePrepExpress offers no refunds for classes or sessions purchased in packages; however, any remaining hours can be used for 12 months from the date of purchase by any member of the family. See Terms.