STUDENT FEEDBACK – See alsoVideo Testimonials
2016-2024 Student Feedback:

“Before coming to CollegePrepExpress I couldn’t pass my statistics course at the University of Connecticut and had to consequently drop out. College prep express gave me the confidence and the ability to not only pass my statistics course, but in the end to receive an A grade! Thank you College prep express!” -Student
“Hi Dr Yo this is Madison xxxxx wanted to let you know that so far I got into every school I applied to including BROWN!! Thank you very much for all your help, I really appreciate it!!” -Student
“Thank you and also thank you for your help in this past year. It has made all the difference!” -Student
“Hey Dr Yo! Just wanted to let you know that my score on the SATS went up 200 points. I got a 1420. Thanks so much for your help!” -student
“Hello Dr Yo, I just wanted to let you know that I got into MIT. Thank you for all your support and help in this process.” – Student
“Hi Dr. Yo, this is C—…just wanted to let you know that I got accepted to Boston College last night!! Thank you SO much for everything you did for me! They said that they enjoyed the personal statement, which you made so great, so thank you again!!!” – Caroline E.
“Hi Dr. Yo! Remember me! It’s Matt C. and I wanted to let you know I got into my #1 college, the University of Michigan and couldn’t be happier. Taking your ACT class and CommonApp Bootcamp deff helped me get there!! I will be attending in the fall!” – Matt C.
“Hi Dr. Y— I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me study and prepare my common app. It helped me a lot to get into all the schools that I applied to!” -Celeste S.
“I know that you haven’t heard from me in awhile but I wanted to thank you for all of the help you gave me in preparing for the ACT. After taking the test this past month, I scored a 33 composite which is now finally allowing me to seriously consider all of the colleges I am interested in…I feel that without the tips, tricks, and advice you gave me over the course of last spring that this probably would not have been possible. Thank you again for all of your help.” – Ben S (tutored exclusively via video)
“I got into university of richmond ED2! Thanks for all your help over the past year with sats and applications. Really meant a lot.” – Jack F.
“After completing the college process, I can genuinely say that the help I received from Dr. Youmans with college essays was invaluable. His enthusiasm, creativity, and optimism not only inspired me to keep chugging along, but also convinced me that I was capable of producing powerful and meaningful pieces of writing. At times, I felt defeated. I scrapped draft after draft, and wondered how I could manufacture the ‘perfect’ essay that would guarantee admission into my dream schools. Then I would meet with Dr. Yo and he would put me right back on track. I always left our sessions with original ideas and a renewed sense of purpose. In the end, I was admitted to all three schools I applied to. Dr. Youmans played a major role in guaranteeing that all my hard work in high school paid off, and I will be forever grateful for his help. Simply put, he is the best in the business. Thanks for everything, Dr. Yo. I will be forever thankful.” -Student

“Hi Dr. Yo! I wanted to let you know I got a 31 Composite on the ACT and I am SO happy (and so are my parents…whoa!). Thank yo so much for helping me get there and happy new year!” -Catherine E.
“Dr. Yo! I got in E.D. to Bates!! Couldn’t have done it without you.” -John D.
“Just wanted to let you know that I got into NYU today… thank you so much for all that you have done for me!!”-Dani N.
“Dr. Yo, you have a black belt in college essay editing! Thanks so much.” -Russell W.Andreea on the cover of Glastonbury Life
Andreea Dinicu on cover of Glastonbury Life, 6/2013!“I just want to say thank you for helping me get a 32 on the ACT and a 2200 on the SAT! I really couldn’t have done it without your help and advice and I am now so much more confident about and excited for college!” -Andreea D.
“I got into Upenn and Brown, waitlisted at Columbia, and I got accepted to NYU Tisch! Thanks for all your help!!!!” -Sara K.
“Mike-I got a 2310! 760 CR, 750 M, 800 W. I’m so happy and thanks a lot for all your help. I think this will be a nice supplement to my ACT score.” -Teddy M.
Text at 7:03AM: “I know this is early, but wooooo! xxxx on my SATs!! (290 point difference) :)” -Casey W.
“It was amazing how many problems I recognized [on the SAT] and used ur tricks to complete, especially in the math. Thanks!” -John D.
Text Exchange:
- Dr. Yo: “Hi B., Are you coming at 11:30, or is it too snowy to make it?”
- Student: “Of course I’m coming! Is that even a question??? Even if there was a tornado in sight I’d be there! Not to worry hahaha.” –Brooke H.
“Yo! I just graded my ACT practice test and in English I got a 30, up from 27, and in Math I got a 25, up from 20!!” -Jonah L.
“When I was having some problems with my physics teacher, mike was right there to help. We came up with extra credit projects to do, and also how to approach the class on a transcript.
“I am currently working on my applications and I am the opposite of a writer. Dr. Yo has worked with me through every single question and we fill them in together with polished ideas and appropriate wording that only an English major could help me find. Without him, my applications would be mediocre and could be easily passed over by admissions committees, and my essay would be even less so. Thank you so much for helping me, Dr. Yo!” -Mitra
“Just officially got into UPenn!!! I can’t thank you enough for all your help. You’re the best!!:” -Lauren G.
“I just wanted to say hi, happy birthday, and let you know I will be attending Colby College next year, and will be playing hockey there, too. Thank you for all the help you have given me…I really appreciate it…couldn’t have gotten in without you.” -Jordan N
“Thanks for all your encouraging words 🙂 I realllyyy appreciate everything you’ve done for me and I look forward to working on college app stuff and possibly more standardized testing stuff in the future! Oh boy. I hope you’re having a great summer!!! And thanks again for all you do. You da best!… P.S. I got a 12 [out of 12] on my last ACT essay… :)” -Nat W.
“MIKE THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH. I got a 2090 on the SATs. 790 Math, 700 Writing, and 600 Reading. THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” [With a 20-pack purchased in March 2010, this student went up 540 points (that’s neither a typo nor inflated!) by June 2010]: -Matt B.
A 40-pack used between PSATs and two SATs resulted in this student’s 370-point improvement: “Yo Miked- Just got back my SAT scores. I did better in everything! Thank you for the help.” -Aaron P.
“I got into University of Vermont and University of Rutgers! Still waiting on several other schools. I would like to give a thanks to you for the rules, tricks, and tactics you taught me. They went a long way!” -SherShah A.
“I just wanted to let you know that I received my SAT results from the June test this morning (the anxiety was killing me)…. 670 CR, 740 MATH, 670 WR! A 160 point swing from the March test! I just wanted to thank you for the help you gave me and the all the tips. I know now that taking the test a second time pays great dividends for anyone because you know what to expect and it eases your nerves. Thanks again.” -Matt C.
“Hey, thanks for all of your help! It made a huge difference during the test. I was prepared for everything, I finished every section with plenty of time, and I stumbled on maybe 3 questions in the entire test. I left feeling like I did really well, especially on the writing and math. I was able to answer every question in those sections with ease and I think my essay went well, too!… Oh, and by the way, your gameday prep really helped, too. I even downloaded some Mozart to listen to before the test, and it seemed to give me a positive boost (not to mention it saved me from getting some pop song stuck in my head). I think I may start listening to classical music more often, like anytime I need to stay focused for a long time.” -Steve F.
“Hi Dr. Yo! I just got my ACT scores online, and (drumroll… haha) 31 composite, with 26 in science, 30 in math, 32 in reading, and 35 in English!!! Just wanted to thank you for helping me so much…. [Several months later:] I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve helped me with this past year-from crazy English essays to XXXX’s math tests to ACT’s and SAT’s, you really helped me and I couldn’t have done any of it without you! And now for some exciting news: I was accepted at McGill, Maryland Honor’s Program, and got a $25,000 scholarship at Case Western!!! (I’m still waiting on Emory and Michigan). I really really appreciate all the time, effort, and care that you put into helping me. You’ve been a wonderful role model and mentor, and always had the best advice on approaching anything. Once again, I just wanted to thank you for everything. I hope all is well by you! -Miriam A.
“Hey, great news! I finished taking the practice test from the CollegeBoard website…I got a 1380 out of 1600!! and around a 2090 out of 2400 (depending on my essay, which I assumed would be around a 4-5). It’s amazing how much I’ve gone up so far, from 1260 and 1830 to 1300s and 2000s. Thanks so much for everything!…. [One month later:] I wanted to let you know that I got into Cornell! Thanks so much for all the help with SAT’s and the essay – it definitely made all the difference. Thanks so much!” -Elie R., telephone tutoring student
“Dr. Youmans personalized lessons allowed me to conveniently study for the SAT. His teachings gave me the tools and confidence to succeed.” Scores: 800 Math, 800 Verbal, 770 Writing -Elie Z.
-“I haven’t talked to you in the longest time … but I wanted to tell you that I GOT INTO VANDERBILT!!!! And they probably wouldn’t have even looked at me unless I got my SAT scores up thanks to you and they also commented on my enthusiasm for the school (the essays you helped me with) so I just wanted to say THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!! I hope all is well.” -Ellen F.
-“I’m going to seriously miss tutoring. I never thought I’d say those words… We had fun, and you’re a kick ass tutor! C YA Around Town, and Thanks for everything.” -Sam C.
-“I just wanted to let you know that I took the SATs and I was EXTREMELY pleased- like you said, nothing surprised me. I went in there confident and left confident as well, so thank you so much for all the time you spent preparing me for this day, both mentally and emotionally. [Three weeks later:] I just wanted to tell you that I got my scores: xxxx. YES! YES! YES! I am so happy. I am sooooo happy. Thank you for all the time that you spent working with me – it really really helped and worked. I am so excited.” -Jamie K.
“If it weren’t for you, I don’t know how I would have survived the SATs…thanks for all your help. REALLY, I don’t think I could’ve done it without your encouragement. I can’t believe how much they use the same words over and over again…how cool! I even saw some of the SAME analogies I solved in my practice SATs…Wow.” – Sage C., Los Angeles, CA, telephone tutoring student
“Under Mr. Youmans’ guidance I was able to surpass my highest goals. I recommend him to anyone who wants to maximize their score on the SAT’s!” -Raphi T.
[Raphi went up over 200 points between his PSATs and first SATs, scoring in the high 1400’s on the old 1600-point scale!]-“I just wanted to tell you one little thing… I GOT INTO YALE!!! So…thank you for all of your work with me on the SAT’s…I’m sure that helped my case with the Yale admissions officers. So, thanks again.” –Katie R, “Yalie”
“I really was not going to call for my SAT scores because I don’t want the ETS to have more money….but I gave in. so, I wanted to tell you what I got. 720 in verbal and 740 in math!!!!! Isn’t that awesome?…. Thank you so much for helping me (: Now I have to go do some homework. Joy.” -Rona B.
“I just wanted to say thank you! In the last couple of years you have taught me about literature, grammar, and of course vocab! You taught me about self-expression. But even more than that you were a good friend- always finding time to chat, share exciting news, or just to discuss anything from classical music to religion. You opened my eyes to a whole new world and I will always remember you and our talks. I will miss you very much. Thank you so much for everything!” – Barbara G.
“I cannot expect to put into words everything you’ve given me, but I feel it necessary to express my deep gratitude to you…. The most essential skill I gained from you was the ability to formulate and express my ideas coherently. I do not possess and inborn knack for writing. I learned whatever I know the hard way- through consciously improving my style based on the instruction and guidance of teachers…. Beyond merely strengthening my intellect, you bolstered my confidence. You cannot imagine how far positive reinforcement can take an insecure student…. Besides just thanking you, I want to express the deep respect I have for you as a person. The tireless effort you devote to your students is rare, and it extends far beyond your teaching ability. I hope to emulate you in devoting my energies to the things I value most in life…” Yehuda S.
“Of the innumerable hours I spent at [school] over the past twelve years, the few passed in your classroom seemed the briefest. This was both good and bad: while not every class was spent in the depths of complex literary analysis, each one flew, for I remained perpetually interested. Unfortunately, until this point in my education, I have found that to be a rare state…. I am grateful.” –Noah F.
[7 years later:] “I don’t think I ever told you what a big influence you and your class had on me. Your class really stands out as a major highlight of my educational experience, high school and college. I still remember so much of what you taught us-but most of all I recall your passion for the subjects and your dedication to students. Thank you thank you thank you!” -Avi S.
PARENT FEEDBACK – See also Video Testimonials
2016-2023 Parent Feedback:
September 2023:
Got any kids who need marching through the college application process? How bout kids who need to be in a better mood? We gotcha covered!
March 2023:
“Thank you! The essay is brilliant and the few tweaks are perfect. This past week was so amazing for many reasons. KTB adores you! And you have been able to connect with her in a way that has completely inspired her. She is so excited for her future and has taken everything you have guided her to heart. What’s even more important is that she has acted on your suggestions and has risen to every challenge- growing and expanding in every way. We are so grateful and can not thank you enough! Excelsior!” -Happy Mom
“Thank you so much for your work with Michael. His growth and development under your tutelage has a tremendous impact on his successful admission process. We are truly grateful for all for your input. We look forward to your work with our daughter as she approaches junior year.” -Parent
“Just wanted to give a big shout out to Dr Yo, CollegePrepExpress. Truly has helped us and many families with the ACT and SAT prep courses. My son went up 500 points. Can’t wait for his Common App boot camp this summer. Truly Dr Yo made his college process a lot easier. His expertise is amazing! Thank you!” – Parent
“Hi! I wanted to update you on my daughter’s February ACT scores. She got a 34 composite, with 36 reading, 36 english, 33 science, and 32 math. She got an 8 on the essay. Your class was definitely helpful. It definitely motivated her to do all those practice tests in a way she wouldn’t have done on her own. Thank you!”-Parent
“Huge shout out for Dr Yo, CollegePrepExpress. He is amazing… my son scores dramatically increased on his SATs scored after taking Dr Yo’s SAT prep course. He came highly recommended to me by other mothers in West Hartford. He really teaches you how to take the test and customizes his teaching to your specific students needs… He is a awesome person to boot!! Thank you Dr Yo.” -Parent
“Really great idea to share. Our daughter Elise just did her “are you ready for college” health checkup with Dr. Yo at CollegePrepExpress. Really, I thought we had a decent handle on what she would need for those applications for next year. uh, apparently not. It’s worth an hour of your time. Parents and young adult meet with Dr. yo and make those lists of everything that the student is doing with their time right now, what is working, what isn’t, how to parlay all those hours being used in a day into those college applications.” -Parent
“Must share with the group my extremely insightful meeting my daughter, her father and I had with Dr Yo (Mike Youmans) owner of CollegePrepExpress in West Hartford. We now have a plan of what to do when and what is important and what is not. Being that this is my first go round with the college admission process I was already feeling stressed that we were behind or should be doing more than what we were doing. Dr Yo gives an hour “check up” to get you in the right direction. I would highly recommend his services for anyone, especially those embarking on the college admissions process for the first time. I learned today is not too early and he even recommends freshman meeting with him too. Yes, my daughter will definitely be back with him for test prep starting in August and his Common App bootcamp during her junior year. Thank you, Anna Sava Namnoum for the great recommendation. Marissa and I felt much less stressed after the meeting!!!” -Parent
“Lila and I went for her check-up today! Perfect timing–we had a chance to learn more about the Common App, talk through where she stands in terms of grades and extracurriculars and make plans for the upcoming months. Not only was it painless-we actually had fun and left feeling better than when we came in! Dr Yo has a great reputation at Conard and it is easy to understand why. Highly recommend. Thank you, Mike Youmans!” -Parent
“Thanks so much! Great feedback on this end! He really liked you too. Seems much more at ease now about it all. See you next week. Thanks again.” -Parent
“Mike, just a quick note to let you know how much we appreciate your Common App Bootcamp. We’re so impressed with what Alex was able to accomplish through that class. And, we’re so happy with her final essay.” -Parent
“Thank you to CPE for raising my son’s SAT score by a whopping 170 points. What a difference those lessons made.” -Rivka S.
“You’re the best! ! Great job with
Arley! Everything looks great, and thanks for giving up your lunch!” -Dorri K.
“I have been combing your website and have found out new things each time!” – Chris G.
“Thanks for the work you’re doing with J on the CommonApp – it’s great!…J is really enjoying the bootcamp – says it’s well worth a week out of the vacation!” – Parent
“Hi Mike,
Dylan loves the [CommonApp Boot Camp] class!’ -Parent
“I am glad that I finally caught-up on —-‘s updated college essay! I am overcome with gratitude! You have helped —- create and tell HIS story! Your expertise, passion for baseball, and patience have resulted in a work of art! In addition to producing a critical piece of the Common Application, you have skillfully engaged —- and reinforced what he must do for all works of writing-create a draft, begin writing, and re-write and improve. So many life lessons here! Thanks so very much,” -Parent
“Mike, I was impressed with what I saw on your website. It was great information, with a real voice and face that we could relate to. ” – Mark D.
“Thanks so much! I told my husband you have a ‘gift’ for writing.” – Laura B.
“Hi Mike. So thrilled with the bootcamp Casey attended last week. Her personal essay was awesome and kudos to you for dragging more about herself out of her. It was obvious how pleased and excited she was as well.” – Carol F.
“Dr. Yo, You’re amazing! XXX just finished telling me that he had a great meeting with you and that I should sign him up for the Sept ACT and that he is sure he can improve his score… Unbelievable ! What a wonderful night. Thank you so much for your support and getting xxxx to think about all this. I don’t know how you did it but I’m sure if I had this discussion with him the results would not have had the same response. Many thanks,” –Brenda M.

“Thanks for your help. We for sure will continue to work with u throughout the process including application time!” -Leah B.
“Thank you Dr. Yo! We are all very excited. We truly appreciate all your help and support with John along the way.” -Gretchen D.
“Thanks for helping Russ…He got into WPI yesterday with some money. That make 3 for 3 so far. His polished application and essays and ACT scores have helped with his success! Thank you,” -Cynthia W.
“Elana is really enjoying your tutelage, thank you.” -Don C.
“Griffin said you gave him lots of great information and he seemed really pumped after your first session. Thanks!” -Jill M.
“Dear Mike,
It’s hard to express how thankful I am for your extraordinary help with Rob’s college application as Hurricane Sandy barreled down upon us. I appreciate your dedication as you added many hours well into the night, ensuring that Rob would finish before any power outage. His completed essays are exceptional.
Thank you, too, for your expert SAT prep sessions. With your seasoned guidance, Rob knocked it out of the ballpark in each category (800 Reading, 740 Math, and 740 Writing).
I look forward to you working with his younger sister this summer.
With deep gratitude,”
-Kim B.
“YES, YES, YES – Go with Dr. Yo! He has been great with B*** and the concussion, dislocated shoulder, and extenuating circumstances! Easy to cancel/change – doesn’t hold you to anything. If you pay him, he will be there. We still have an hour on our package that we can use anytime for any help B needs during the year, even though SATs etc are over.” -Ann R.
“The college admissions class at King Philip last night was extremely helpful and interesting…Thank you for sharing so much useful information.” –Brenda B.
“Where do I begin to thank you for all you’ve done with Charlie. Meeting with him him got him charged up again to finish his applications…Word of mouth is the best referral source, I tell everyone what a great experience Charlie had from the start of sat/act prep until the completion of his application.” –– Connie F.
“Michael Youmans has an extraordinary ability to prepare high school students for standardized tests. The insights, knowledge and strategies that he imparts to his students through his tried and tested methods enable them to achieve results that would not be attainable otherwise. We feel very fortunate that we chose “Dr. Yo” to tutor our child for the SAT and ACT. He saved us time, eliminated our anxiety, and simplified an important component of the college application process which is fraught with challenges for most of us.” – Rob M.

“Having been in education for 36 years, I am convinced that authentic engagement is the key in the classroom. Well, you have cornered the market on authentic engagement! Owen is motivated to do the work you’ve given him and he is off and running to your class without me beating the heck out of him! Way to go!” -Tom S.
“Thanks for your help. I think Sara told you all her good news. She has LOTS of great choices!!” -Lori K.
“Owen came home and was very pleased with the SAT prep. He thought you were very funny and engaging. He is also aware that xxxxx did great and yyyy’s scores went up tremendously from his PSAT. He has a lot of confidence in you and will follow your advice to try and reach his goals.” -Mark S.
“Hi Mike, I wanted to let you know that L got into American ED2!! we are very excited, my alma mater! Thanks again for all of your help!” -Dorri K.
“CollegePrepExpress has provided us a wealth of information on a broad variety of topics regarding preparing for college. I highly recommend it to any family with students in high school.” -Lorraine M.F.
“AJ was accepted Early Decision to Lehigh – he thanks you because of the wonderful essays you helped him write! We appreciate your help very much.”
-Martine and AJ F.
“Having a calendar and a plan for the student is WONDERFUL” -Joanellen H.
“We received XX’s ACT score online today; he received a 30. I believe this was within his range that he was aiming for to help with college admission. Thank you for working with him.” -Terrry B.
“XX was very excited about his meeting with you. He thought you gave him some great “tips” for the upcoming SAT test. I’m not sure if he mentioned xxxxx’s name to you, but he had been working with him for the SAT for a few months. He likes your approach better, but nothing we can do about that now!” -Martine F.
“xxxx came home all smiles and said she was happy with the class size. I am thrilled that there are 5 kids and three who are new to her. She seems to think it will be the perfect mix of group instruction which is personalized for what each kid does not know. On a more important note her friend xxxxx, who is a much tougher critic of much in life, liked the class too!” -Jane R.
“I meant also to thank you for giving him the pep talk and underscoring the importance of committing over the next couple of months, as well as staying organized. He needs that.” -Dick C.
“Michael not only helped my son improve his SSAT scores dramatically, but in a larger sense taught him new ways to think about his own learning, encouraging him to come at a subject from a variety of angles and approaches. His work with Michael gave him the confidence boost he needed to access and develop his own creative problem solving skills.” -Jerry W.
“Abby enjoys working with you……you give her confidence that she can bring up the scores. She also says that you are funny:)” -Dorie C.
“Mike, xxxxx just went to school to show his teacher the rough draft. He was excited; I can’t tell you what a difference his approach was to working on this paper! Previously, it would take hours and hours for a paragraph!You’re amazing!” – Dorri K.
“I cannot thank you enough for all your kindness, and especially, your flexibility with Caitlin. I will tell the world how great it is to work with you and CollegePrep. I am so appreciative. Thank you!! If I can ever do a testimonial for you, I will.” -Ellen S.
“[Our son] truly believes you are the one that helped him get into two schools so far!!! You are truly a special person…just don’t let it go to your head ;-)” -Linda S.
“YOU ARE AWESOME!!!” -Danielle
“Hi Mike, It is hard to believe it was a year ago that I signed xxx up with you!!! You have helped him so much. He loves working with you and respects you so much. I want him to continue next year and would like him to come twice a week. I would also like his sister to come once a week for a general check/review.” -Luanne P.
“You are the best! The boys are really enjoying their sessions. I will keep recommending you to anyone who is looking for the services you provide!” -Laura P.
“Great news – xxx got her results for the SSAT’s she took last Sat and she did much better! Overall, she went from 34% to 66% . Thanks so much for all your help – obviously working with you paid off tremendously.” –Janet M.
“Thanks so much for the email. I’m glad you gave xxx a kick in the butt. It’s exactly why we wanted him to work with you. He has to finally get this himself. So, I’m glad you were honest with him. As you know, I think if he were in an independent school where he had that one-on-one time with a teacher or advisor, I think his feet would have been held to the fire a bit more. You’re sort of that piece for us. Thanks, Dr. Yo.” -Tricia D.
“Matt really appears to be enjoying his sessions with you. He talks about them a lot. We hope to see you soon.” -Thomas A.
“Hi Mike – forgot to e-mail you the good news last week – Nicholas scored an Advanced on his math MCAS, a remarkable achievement considering that he had previously scored only 2 points above Failing. He also scored Proficient on Bio (only 10% of his class scored that high). Thanks for your help and encouragement.” -Eileen M.
“Mike, WOW!!! You are truly amazing at what you do!! Thank you,” –Caryn B.
“I wanted to thank you for your work with Josh…I know his methods are a bit different from his brothers…It’s great to see an educator who can adapt to the learning needs of his students!” -Dorie C.
“I want to you know how pleased I am with what you are doing with Alex. I can see him gaining confidence and setting wise goals for himself. I appreciated the overview and organization in the way you presented the Shakespeare material. I also liked the way you joked with him when correcting his essay, supported him in what he had done well and again clarified the changes he needs to make. We all need to hear things repetitively when learning before the “ahh ha.” He is obviously taking your guidance to heart and working with it. He is motivated and inspired to share your mutual love of the subjects and improve his presentation. His self-discipline has improved. Thanks for all of that.” -Dr. Anastacia S.
“We just got Ethan’s Subject Test score..590…an improvement over the last by over 100 points. Thanks again for your help in preparing Ethan.” –Deb C.
“Natialie just got her May SAT scores… She is thrilled with the 800! [in Critical Reading]! Thank you,” –Nancy A.
“I loved your presentation at Berkshire School last week. All of us in the audience were excited and energized by your talk. I have signed up my son!” -Christine H.
“Elie is so motivated. We couldn’t do it. You have the magic touch!… He let me hear your message. You are quite amusing! Thanks for your caring, good advice and wonderful manner. It definitely makes a difference with your students (and those related to them). Mike, we see the change in Elie, and are grateful to you. We speak your praises and are sure that this will ultimately allow additional students to benefit from you and your programs.” -Maggi & Jacob R.
“Thank you for getting my girls into the groove for the SAT’s. As always you did a great job with the material, but more important, you keep on showing all your students that learning can be fun and even having a tutor can be a blast.” -Dr. Steve Y.
“Thought you’d like to know that Chris just learned he was accepted to Purdue Univ and Colorado State. He’s a happy camper today. Your work certainly helped and the admissions person with whom I spoke at Purdue mentioned that they particularly liked his 680 score in math. So thanks again. If you ever need a referral-I will give you a good review-let me know. Thanks from all of us.” -The Haleys
“We’re still in a celebratory mood at the L– household. I can’t thank you enough for working with Caroline. In addition to knowing how to tutor her to do the best she possibly could, you motivated her to study and made the classes fun. Caroline tells me she plans to study more and try to get those awesome scores even higher. Amazing what potent reinforcement will do. Many thanks and I only wish you were here to witness Caroline’s reaction when she saw her scores. My best,” -Janet L.
“Thanks, Mike. We have really appreciated your help with Will. He is willing to accept feedback from you that he would never hear from us. It really helps decrease the stress!” -Sue C.
“I asked Misha which teachers he liked best, ‘the favorite ones,’ and his immediate response was-ta da….you, his tutor! I asked why and he said that you are able to make lessons interesting and exciting, and that you bring so many interesting facts to what you are teaching that it is fun. Now this statement comes from a boy (now 6 ft. tall) who learned to read late in life and has felt inferior because his (perceived) reading and comprehension skills are ‘so poor’ (remarks made by other teachers). So, what to say? You have ignited a spark in my son which he was made to believe he did not possess. You are not only funny and in possession of a good mind, but you are an expert educator-you have the ability to touch the lives of your students.” -Karin H.
“Great News!!!!!! Andrew received his acceptance letter from Rose Hulman today. We are all pretty excited here. At the risk of repeating myself, I think some of the credit is due to you…. With regard to your help, I cannot thank you enough. Andrew definitely moved up the ladder a full rung or two with your assistance. Previously, his application to Rose would have been only marginally competitive. To the extent that you would want, please feel free to count me as a reference and supporter. Your on-line service is everything that you advertise, and more.” –Mark J., Anchorage, Alaska
“I just read your forwarded message to Sol. I am so impressed with what you asked him to do (no wonder he said he was exhausted when he got off the phone.) This is exactly what we needed for him. I can’t thank you enough.” –Linda M.
“We can’t thank you enough…. Yoni has told us so many times how he considers himself very fortunate to have had the opportunity to know you as a mentor and role model… He benefited in so many ways from the experience…” -Sharon W.
“Mark, Elisha, and I would like to thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for our family… From tutoring for SATs to writing a recommendation to being a wonderful teacher, you have been a positive influence on Elisha… You have achieved great success in your teaching profession because you have inspired so many young people and have been a role model to them…” –Debbie B.
“This is just a note to tell you [the principal] how impressed I’ve been with Mr. Youmans, who is Sara’s English teacher this year. I’ve reviewed several of her writing assignments, and his critiques have been detailed, to the point, and helpful… I have taken to quoting a couple of these rules to my employees, some of whom I wish I could enroll in his course. I have told Sara that instruction of this quality is rare even in college, and that I hope she takes advantage of her opportunity…” –Gene F.
“I want to thank you for your extraordinary kindness in calling Aaron last night to give him some assistance…. This is the sort of ‘going the extra mile’ which is very unusual, and we simply wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your interest in Aaron…. As parents we feel very fortunate that you chose teaching as a profession…Please accept our thanks and best wishes.” –Harriet L.
“I think all of us have had a certain, special teacher, usually in high school, whose influence goes on and on… For the first several years of Batya’s high school experience, were waiting for her special teacher. Our wait was not in vain. Please believe me when I tell you that you have been the redeeming feature of that experience…. You obviously really like your students, respect them, and enjoy their company- all of which is not lost on them… You are a born teacher. Thank you, thank you.” –Mark D.
“I think you did a great job shortening my essay. Thanks!” – Dalen C.
“Thanks so much. This is exactly the face lift these documents needed. 🙂 I will let you know if I get the gig. Can’t say thanks enough.” [Update a couple months later:] “I got the gig !!! Thanks for all your help!” -Joi O.
“Just wanted to confirm getting the paper and I think it is wonderful. Thank you again Mike.” -Otis H.
“Dear Mike, My revised Personal Statement is amazing and I simply love it!” -Ramona C.
“LOVE the essay. My daughter loves working with you. Can’t wait for my son to have such a great experience as well.” -Debra G.
“The resume is perfect!!! Thanks so much Mike!!” -Judy
“I am very pleased with the revised essay! Thank you very much for taking the time to help me on such a short notice. I will definitely refer you to anyone in need of your service. Once again thank you for your assistance on such a short notice!!! THANKS!!!”
“Mike you are the best!!! I have gotten into great schools, all of which are in the top ten. As we talked about, it is not the GPA and LSAT that got me in the door, but the ‘soft factors’ like the personal statement and extra essays… I know it could not have been done without your help… It was great working with you. First off, you where cheaper than other companies, and also you were very personal, you knew what I needed, and you did exactly what I wanted. You were great and it was worth ever penny; even more, getting into the schools I got into with your help is priceless. Thanks so much!!!!” -Beth,
“Mike, the essays look great! Thanks for all your help, it was definitely worth it.” -Mike
“Wow Mike, it is perfect! My essay says a lot about me now, and you made it sound so good. It is 100 times better than it was when I first gave it to you. I’m seriously really excited and there is nothing I want to change! Thank you so much!!” -Caroline
“I wanted to thank you personally for your help with my essays. You worked on the essays back in late January. I just received word that I have been admitted to my first-choice MBA program and I am thrilled that I was accepted. Again, thanks for your help! You’re a fantastic editor!” -George
“Outstanding! You made my essay far more succinct. It sounds extremely professional. I’ve actually learned to be a better writer from your comments. I loved the way you kept my personal ideas and voice, but made them both more eloquent. You met and surpassed all the expectations I had surmised from the accolades on your website. Thank you,” -David
“Hello Mike, I wanted to thank you for revising my essay. The personal statement helped me to get an interview for medical school. Just recently did I find out that I received admission into UF’s medical school. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks for your help!” -Akhil P.
“I am amazed and impressed at the subtle yet significant changes you made in my essay. The paper was in every way essentially the same thought – same words – just carefully rearranged or restated for clarity without altering any of the points. You said exactly what I said, nuance and all – just much, much better than I ever could, even had there been time for me to do multiple edits. And you did it in a very short time frame. Your talent as a wordsmith is truly exceptional. Thanks for sending such a nice email along with my edited essay wishing me well and including several helpful hints. I will recommend you wholeheartedly to others.” –Terri
“On behalf of the entire Hall School Counseling staff, we want to thank
you for being with us on Wednesday and for the work you do on behalf
our students. You were terrific and the feedback we’ve received about
the presentation has been outstanding. We look forward to having the
chance to have you be with our students again!
All the best and many thanks!”
-Amanda Williams
School Counselor
William H. Hall High School
“Hi Dr. Yo,

“I wanted to thank you on behalf of our Counseling Department at Hall High School for assisting us last week. I know it was VERY short notice, but you did a great job in speaking with our junior students. They enjoyed hearing from someone about the process, and what admissions officers are looking for in an essay/application when reviewing candidates. The example you have about the essay was really meaningful and illustrated a perfect picture about what they need to start thinking about.
We appreciate you taking the time to come in and work with us.”
-Amanda W.
“Mike Youmans was one of the best English teachers I ever had: enthusiastic, engaging, and knowledgeable. He encouraged us to think critically and creatively. It is partly because of “Mr. Yo” [now Dr. Yo] that I went on to major in English in college and to become an English teacher myself. In my own classroom I use some of the techniques that he used in his. I feel privileged to have been one of his first students at Maimonides School.” -Sarah B.
“I work at a high school in NY and my students are learning the Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I am amazed by the bits that remain in my head from your classes. I wanted to say thanks for making that happen!” -Varda B.
“Mike and I met six years ago when we both taught at [a school] in Brookline. Though he left the school to complete his doctorate and find broader fields for his skills, he is still very much a presence in the halls of that building…. Just a week ago a colleague used the phrase ‘Mike Youmans camp followers’ to describe the parents and teachers who pursued him and engaged him as a tutor when he left the classroom…. Mike shares well. He plays with everyone. As any kindergarten teacher knows, this is a rare combination of valuable traits…. With his students, he had the reputation of being that most rare of all things: a teacher with a talent for listening closely and responding exactly to the individuals in his classes….” -Sharon P.
“I was immediately impressed by Mike’s energy and enthusiasm for teaching and learning…. Mike is a technology wizard. I was continuously impressed with his positive ‘can do’ attitude, and his willingness to provide instruction and support for students and colleagues…. His encouragement and ability to integrate technology with instruction in classrooms made Mike a superb role model for our young teachers in training….” -Fran L.
“I have come to regard Michael as an educator and intellect of great stature. He possesses an eclecticism that I rarely witness in young people of his generation. Michael is at home in the arts, technology, the humanities, and mathematics and science. He has extensive experience as an instructor at the secondary level…” –Tom K.
“By the way, you are such an inspiration. I watch you in class with your computer, you make it all look so easy and it probably is for you. You synthesize everything, you make everyone feel good, you always put a smile on everyone’s face by keeping it all light when it needs to be light, and you bring to us sincerity and truth when we are seeking for that. It really was such a delight to encounter such kind people as you. Thank you.” -Alexis D.
“Mike consistently conducted himself professionally in all of these endeavors, applying both his strong intelligence and his easy sense of humor. Mike had an excellent rapport with all of the students in our school. His presentations were lively yet well focused, and he held the students to high standards in all of the course work. Students were particularly impressed by his interest in and application of technology in the school, being an early proponent of wireless Internet access and helping them with their use of this technology.” -Rick S.
To email or talk to former students and parents about CollegePrepExpress, LLC, email or call (860) 519-1000 for contact info!