CollegePrepExpress offers Quick Cash Referral Rewards for every new student you refer, whether you’re a CPE Student or NOT.
- $20 for Essay Editing
- $25 for Private or Semi-Private tutoring
- $30 for a Class or Workshop
- $50 for ACT/SAT Combo Class
Simply have new students mention you referred them, and we’ll credit your account or write you a check—if you’re worried they may forget to mention your name, send us an email to claim your cash! Alternatively, if you get permission from friends to have us contact them, complete the form below and if your referral(s) enroll, we’ll send you a check automatically! Use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram—Be CREATIVE and earn your REWARD! Industrious students can use this program to get all their College Prep FOR FREE. You need not be a CPE student to take advantage of this program!
A Simple Way to Earn in Just 5 Steps
- Think of friends, relatives, and schoolmates who could benefit from CollegePrepExpress’s services (tutoring in school subjects, essay editing, test prep and anxiety reduction, summer refreshers, study skills, college application help and interview prep).
- Send CPE their names / contact info using our easy form below.
- Copy and paste (or feel free to create your own message) the following into your FACEBOOK STATUS: “Need help with test prep, applications, study skills, or test anxiety reduction? I know a great company. Like CollegePrepExpress on FB (http://www.facebook.com/collegeprepexpress) and contact Info@CollegePrepExpress.com and be sure to mention my name!” Or you might want to use Instagram or Twitter 🙂
- Head to the beach (or anywhere else you may need/want to go).
- Receive a check after they sign up for services! ($20 for essay editing, $25 for tutoring, $30 for a class, $50 for a combo class.)
Entrepreneurial students can use this program to earn mad spending cash or to get all their College Prep FOR FREE.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.