Did you catch the FRONT PAGE of last week’s Wall Street Journal? (click here for full article). The press has made it clear that 2008 has been the most competitive year ever for college admissions, with 2009 promising to be even worse.
Junior year has always been a notorious rite of passage: the hardest classes, most demanding teachers, grades counting the most, and, oh yeah, standardized tests. In September everyone’s talking about how college admissions committees look most closely at junior year grades, PSATs come up fast in October, and the work and pressure keep mounting through SATs, ACTs, Subject Tests and final exams in the spring. And all the while students are supposed to start thinking about what colleges they’d like to attend, what programs appeal most to them, and which ones will be on their list of reaches, reasonables. and fall-backs. Forget about having a life in your junior year, the current culture seems to say. It’s no wonder that great students like those documented in the Journal’s article are flipping out. What’s a junior to do?
Fortunately, there is help. One of the reasons we started CollegePrepExpress, aside from helping students get into the colleges of THEIR choice, is to help juniors and seniors manage the considerable stress the admissions process creates. By tapping 20 years of experience helping students get good grades, earn high test scores, write attention-grabbing applications, and give impressive interviews, CollegePrepExpress helps students (and yes, their parents, too) navigate the formidable and intimidating path to college.
We’re not going to lie to you: the junior year is going to be challenging. But it doesn’t have to be painful. We can help you get the most out of your classes and standardized test experiences while positioning yourself to maximize your chances of college acceptances. We’ve been there and we’re undaunted. We can help. We know from personal experience (all our instructors are ivy-league graduates) and from those of our clients (we’ve helped students get into college from Maine to California) what it takes, and our experience and expertise can help you manage the stress. Let CollegePrepExpress help YOU!