About Us

The primary purpose of CollegePrepExpress, LLC, is to help students get into their first choice colleges, secondary schools, and graduate schools and to reduce stress surrounding the entire admissions process.

CPE specializes in the top three admissions criteria: GRADESSTANDARDIZED TEST SCORES, and APPLICATION PACKAGING, offering the following in Greater Hartford and via video (Google+, Skype, FaceTime, etc): academic, test prep, and AP review classes;workshopsprivate tutoringsemi-private tutoring for small groups; informational and instructional videos; an internet radio show, and blog.

Who are we?

CPE was founded (1990) and is run by Harvard, Oxford, and Boston College School of Education graduate, Michael J. Youmans, Ph.D., author of Berkshire County Teachers’ Uses of the Internet.


Our tutors

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Call: (860) 519-1000

Email: Info@CollegePrepExpress.com

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Main Office
38 Maplewood Ave
West Hartford, CT 06119

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